Tesco, the largest supermarket chain in the United Kingdom works in a unique manner, designing new strategies for the future and pulling ahead of everyone else.

Its marketing strategies arrive in our country as an example of success.  To follow we highlight some of the decisions made by Tesco during this last year and those which have most caught our eye:

Tesco allies itself with Microsoft

Last year, Tesco renewed its contract with Microsoft, signing on the dotted line for a further eight years, during which the IT company will provide technology to the 14 countries in which Tesco has infrastructures.  It will similarly collaborate in the growth of Tesco Bank and its projects over the internet and other telecommunications. In addition, Tesco implements Wi-fi facilities in its supermarkets.  By so doing, it seeks to change the habits of consumers, as explained by McNamara, head of communications for Tesco, to an important North American publication.  And he adds:  “clients already check the prices of rival supermarkets while in the shops on their mobile devices.  You can pretend nothing’s happening or you can take stock of it and facilitate it happening”.  One of the projects undertaken jointly by Tesco and Microsoft is the development of technologies which facilitate online shopping.

Tesco Homeplus, the success of marketing beyond national frontiers

One of Tesco’s goals, as indicated on its website, is the growth of its online chain. Tesco Homeplus, about which we have already spoken on other occasions, is the name of its virtual supermarket, which together with QR codes, has developed a useful and entertaining advertising strategy. It consists of taking the shop to the street.  How has this been possible?  By creating posters which simulate supermarket shelves, in which products appear with their prices and information, as well as their QR code.  When people pass on the street or the metro, they can read the codes and generate the online order which will then be delivered to their home.  This idea has already been implemented in Korea, where within a very short space of time, the chain has become the second largest in the market, increasing its sales by some 130%.

tesco korea smartphones


Tesco and new technologies

One of the latest technological innovations of the distribution chain is the development of an App for tablets which provides financial information to the user.



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